‘Hope for Zimbabwe - arise the Phoenix’ Learning Journey
‘Hope for Zimbabwe - arise the Phoenix’ A Perspective through Chronology
10th Century- Late Iron Age, cattle-keeping community established at Leopard's Kopje, near modern Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
1200 - Beginning of Great Zimbabwe state
1400 - Most of Great Zimbabwe stone buildings completed. Capital of BaKongo kingdom fixed at Mbanza Kongo
Missing 100 years
1500- Great Zimbabwe finally abandoned
15th Century - Great Zimbabwe decline. Movement of people North East to found Mutapa state and towards the south to establish Torwa state
1512 Portuguese design coat of arms for Manikongo
1593 Portuguese build Fort Jesus in Mombasa
1665 Kongo is defeated by the Portuguese at Battle of Mbwila
1689 Fort Jesus falls to the Omani Arabs
Suggested Biographies
Shaka Zulu (1787-1828) Founder of the Zulu Kingdom from 1816-1828
King Mizilikazi (1790-1868) King of Mthwakazi Kingdom (Matabeleland)
Robert Mugabe (1924-2019) Former President of Zimbabwe
Ekenia Chifambo (1983 - ) Activist Founding Director of Shamwari Yemwanasikana
Tsitsi Dangerembga (1959 -) Novelist, Playwright, Film maker
Suggested Places of Interest
African Unity Square
Great Zimbabwe Ruins
Cecil Rhodes Grave
Presidents Palace
Marance Diamond Fields
Khami Ruins
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