‘A Bite from the Big Apple – A Story for New York’ Learning Journey

‘A Bite from the Big Apple – A Story for New York’ (A Perspective through Chronology)
1626 Dutch West Indies Company imports 11 Africans to New Amsterdam
1655 First Slave Auction held in New Amsterdam
1776 British promise freedom to Africans who leave their anti-British masters & American Independence is declared
1783 25% of the militia marching to Yorktown for the last battle engagements were Africans
1783 Treaty of Paris - 3000 African loyalists are relocated as promised to re-locate in Nova Scotia, Britain & other parts of the Empire
1785 New York Manumission Society is founded to give aid to Africans & ‘The African Free School’
1812 Africans fight in the War against Britain
1827 All slaves are declared free & African Americans parade through New York City
1870 Ratification of 15th Amendment gives African American Men the right to vote
Suggested Biographies
James McCune Smith
Deborah (& Harvey) Squash
The Ethiopian Regiment (also known as Lord Dunmore’s Ethiopian Regiment)
Suggested Historical Sources
The Book of Negroes & African Canadian Archives
Documents & Links about The New York Manumission Society
Places of Historical Interest
Pieter Claesen Wykcoff House, Brooklyn NY
African Free School
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